Reporter and a gush here it negotiator go when they deployed couple of the flash bang grenades and not playing sirens i heard them clout hes an adult male we dont know his name but police have been calling out to someone named or ernesto the, with your hands up and a little bit ago i saw police had applied a robot in there for some purpose and the man remains holed up and a home on clarys drive are dangerous. When people in that neighborhood came and staggering down the street because the Police Department. In this a man with a gun. From concord. Concord police say the k9, yelles doing well. The stab wound to the head did hit in the head repeadedly with a blunt object. Hes under heavy medication and may be off duty for an extended period of time. The dow grant august at home with his handler doing well considering the stab wound to the head marriages sprain but was hit repeatedly in a blunt object on the incident under heavy medication may be of duty for an extended period of time. Rep