your own media show. ry this would be f the story for the final two weeks leading upn to election day and the media gave the greatest nation they could have ever givengi joe biden on top of keepingve hm in the candidate protection program. good thoughts yo because it s an easy game to play, right? if this was donald trump jr, if this was eric trump d being accused of the same thing, if we had a laptop from those two individuals from the trump family, what would the media coveragehathe look like? you would have to add an hour and a day to twenty four seven cable news coverage.s right. and we ve talked about bias in media on this program before, sean. right. we ve talked aboutd the disturbing move from journalism to activism, but the most insidious form of bias in journalism is the bias of omission. and if you re teaching a class in journalism school, the first thing on your itinerary shoulded be the way the u.s.ia mediala treated the hunterpt biden laptp
price hike by putin price hike, putin s price hike h and putin s price hike is a great way toto get putin s gas hike. hi i m going to do everything i can to minimize putin s price hike here at home p. all right. of course, facts truth actually tells a very different story. look at yn. your screen the by the administration s own d economic data showsat that inflation oh , look att that . it is surging well before putina invaded ukraine gas prices, the price of used cars, food, beverage, all been going up since joey got into office and well before putinffff launched his bloody assault against a sovereign country, ukrainesa. biden and every democrat, they are lying to you costus because of his failed economicil and energy policies. his reckless spending and of course his attacks always blame the american oil and gas a sector. they re actually making less money according to fox business . come herebu to explain more .ex fox business host larrypl kudlog . larry, l i just i don t like bein