6 34 is your sunrise time. Heres your satellite radar, nothing to show through. Not even cloudy skies around. It is kind of cool to the north of us with temperatures in the the 50s from the poconos, to lancaster to pottstown. Sixtythree in trenton. Seventy as we mentioned here in the city. Fiftynine in millville. Nice morning at the shore, this is your last one, before reality, hits, and kid go back to school tomorrow. 60 degrees Atlantic City. Sixtythree in wildwood. Wind speeds, tranquil morning out there, hardly a breeze out there, but the wind direction that is what were paying attention to because that is where humidity will come from the the southwest. Now still comfortable as we mentioned in the mountains with those southerly wind it will feel sticky, at least on land today, by the shore, we have an excellent weather day. Nine out of ten in weather by the numbers today, only a nine because of the humidity added to our weather picture since sat the day and sunday were pretty comf
See all Eric Decker's marriages, divorces, hookups, break ups, affairs, and dating relationships plus celebrity photos, latest Eric Decker news, gossip, and biography. Eric Decker is currently married to Jessie James Decker. He has been in one celebrity relationship averaging approximately 9.0 years. His one marriage has lasted 9.0 years so far.