then. starting to ease off. if president obama has any, any idea what is he doing in the economy he won t raise the minimum wage. why does president obama bob: why do you have a bad economic professor. give you facts from the economics glaseconomic class. that i took. massachusetts has $8 minimum wage, higher than most. they have 15% unemployment amongst teenagers, lowest in the country. dana: 15%? we re going to do cart wheels for that? bob: this is 24-25%. excuse me, can i finish? can i finish? ohio has 19% unemployment. vermont, 19%. eric: nevada bob: by the way eric: let s go higher. [over talk ] 31.9 bob: why don t we pick out the depression numbers to come up with these. you pick that recession year,
eric: do you have something against onion sandwichs? brian: a little bit. dana: i do. i sit in between you guys. andrea, there was one woman, she needed dialysis and they were able to get her off the ship. she has been in texas there. to celebrate her 60th birthday with 29 family members. big deal. she says she has been so worried. what do you think it would be like to be on that ship? what would you do? andrea: this is my greatest nightmare realized. i don t know what i would do. you can t jump off the boat. that s everybody s inclination. i have been on a cruise before but i have to tell you i am kind of closter phobic and i closter phobic and i get seasick. i don t like the pressure of getting back to the boat on a different port. too much stress her. everybody when you live in b. if you are claustrophobic and you get seasick, why did you go? andrea: i was 12. it was lovely. but not my thing. big p.r. problem.
million bucks. dana: make them whole. eric: make them happy. make them happier. $500, please. dana: let me tell you what you get and have you comment. brian: i have been on a lot of cruises. dana: the cruise line said it will give each of the passengers, they get $500, free flight home, full refund for the trip. and most of the expenses on board. and then credit for another cruise, i don t know if anyone is going to cash that in. brian: setting up shantytown. there are pregnant women without food. they will land in mobile, alabama. they still don t have a place to stay. they bus them to new orleans. $10,000 check would go a long way. right now they re in survival mode. one quote said it s katrina on a ship. they are setting up shantytowns because it s too hot to sleep indoors. this is unbelievable we can t get a chopper to drop mres above so at least the pregnant women can eat. why are we staring at this boat? why can t you get a boat next to that boat?
no air. it s just horrible. dana: hearing the words make you feel bad for them. i have not been on a cruise. eric, you have? eric: i have. i was young at the time. it can tell you it won t happen again. first of all, my wife would never get on a boat like that. this is a floating bacteria barge. raw sewage up and down the hallways. carnival is going to have a huge p.r. problem on their hands. they have mickey erickson was the ceo, his father was founder of carnival cruises. also involved i on the boat in italy that ran aground. this is what they should do. 4,500 passengers. get them off the boat. they re smart i guarantee you they are doing it at night so we don t have pictures of them getting off the boatism bet my last daughter they are waiting offshore until darkness and then they will bring them back to shore. i would give them not $500 like they are saying. i would give them $10,000 each. i would spend a couple of
work. brian: why are they being used as props? kate up top was in w penguins. andrea: modeling is hardwork. if you ve ever tried to model. i m not a model. i could never be a model. it s hard work. this is from the jezebel website. there are angry feminists that get mad at beautiful women every year. dana: i am embarrassed. i was focused on the wrestling, i didn t know about the sports illustrated. i could have made a much better transition. eric: this is the people upset about the coca-cola ad. c mon, this is beautiful magazine. let them have their moment. i didn t need to his butt. to be honest. dana: that was great. on fox and friends didn t you have a wrestler on 60 minutes. there was a documentary and