humana network and get your free decision guide. discover how an all-in-one medicare advantage plan from humana could save you money. there is no obligation and the book is free. eric: just two days to go in president trump putting in some serious mouse to help republican candidates in the midterms. the president headed to macon, georgia this afternoon but i m excited to chattanooga to help gop s been marsha blackburn third world talk to the congresswoman about her message to undecided voters. eric: plus, we will go live for president trump since even more troops to stop the so-called caravan of migrants. welcome to america s election
eric: how does that happen what comes your country? i think the american people, throws america is concerned, the europeans, people in the region, the more they hear about what the iranian people want, not what that regime wants, they will in return till there would be congressman or decision-makers, what are you waiting for. these people are like us. they do not want to come here and destroy a surplus to pieces. they want to be like us. eric: he says their spontaneous protest and unrest against the regime that could spread with world support, unlike eight years ago. back in 2000 and whether people took to the streets, the green revolution, president obama could have done more? it is the people on the street are holding up slogans, in english or france they re not
indication that north koreans are being very aggressive with her ballistic missile testing. eric: either in the program gordon chang, analyst, said it was a message to the south korean president to is more liberal and reaching out to and does not like the fact that we put dad in south korea. that could be a change in look at the reaction he gets. he doesn t get a welcome and hello and opened the door. he gets a missile. you have a more liberal president elected and president moon is in office. he wants to engage in north korea and that is going to be something different than the last two presidential administrations in south korea. it s not a very good welcome sign for the president particularly after the fat in south korea to defend south korea and in light of what happened say, what happens if security intert wherever they may be around the globe. particularly in the asian pacific and in the korean peninsula. do you think that mr. is doing that successfully now? then you have kim jung-un threatening a sea of fire. he pokes up videos targeting and blowing up washington. with the supreme leader, there s so many unknown, unknowns. you have to be able to put all your national security capabilities at the table. it has to be regarding whether it s diplomatic, if it s economic and financial is chilly military. they go hand-in-hand. we want the military card to be played last. but that can support u.s. national security interest by showing strength. putting the carl vincent test there as they did last month and so forth. eric: there was dispute over that. it went down into indonesia. what should we do? how do you think the white house
the middle east. our interview with exxon crown prince and his plea to america. you feel in your heart that one day this regime will fall? absolutely. there is no question about it. eric: america s news headquarters starts right now. our top story, the search for the next director of the federal bureau of investigation. at least six candidates today headed to the justice department to be interviewed for the top position, as a president trump says the administration could announce james comey successor is early as next friday. reporter: this is a saturday, but the department of justice