With the CDC s new masking guidance, when can you stop wearing a mask?
From Pfizer vaccinations for youth 12 to 15, to the new CDC masking guidance for fully vaccinated people, it was a major week in the fight to conquer Covid-19. Author: Josh Sanders (KPNX) Updated: 5:08 PM MST May 14, 2021
PHOENIX Arizona and the U.S. hit a major milestone in the journey to reach herd immunity and conquer Covid-19. This week was the beginning for kids 12 to 15 to begin receiving the Pfizer vaccine after it was granted emergency use authorization.
Arizona parents and kids share their excitement for the Pfizer vaccine
Hundreds of Valley youth receive first dose of the Pfizer vaccine at One Community Initiative event in South Phoenix
More than 600 appointments filled at C.O. Greenfield Elementary School in the Roosevelt School District on the first day kids 12-15 could receive the vaccine. Author: Josh Sanders (KPNX) Updated: 10:32 PM MST May 13, 2021
PHOENIX Behind 12-year-old Ethan Crystal s mask was his smile. He was finally going to receive his first dose of Pfizer s Covid-19 vaccine.
“I’ve been really excited and really looking forward to the shot,” said Crystal. “I want to go back to playing basketball and school because I haven’t really got to do those things all quarantine and during Covid.”