Watch: Cool and unsettled on Sunday
Cool and unsettled on Sunday Share Updated: 6:51 PM EDT Apr 24, 2021
Cool and unsettled on Sunday Share Updated: 6:51 PM EDT Apr 24, 2021
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Show Transcript Thanks for a click and a W M. U R dot com. A meteorologist. Eric Legler is a beautiful day outside. A lot of sunshine, A few clouds mixed in here and their temperatures are in the upper sixties and lower seventies. So right on on target and the real, the only difference that we ve seen today s humidity at least of the ground. That is even lower than expected, especially across the southeastern part of the state. With some values in the teens for percentages. So that s a good indicator that the fire weather concerns will continue as we go into the evening hours today with gusty winds, a lot of sun and dry conditions as well. But this is where things might begin to fool you. You ll see a lot of greens that have popped up on the map here, especial