Darke residents to help Texas relief, water needed
By Carol Marsh - DarkeCountyMedia.com
Unseasonably frigid temperatures has left many Texans without power, dealing with lack of heat and bursting water pipes, Pastor Wes Lynch (right) of the Radiant Lighthouse Church in Greenville and Eric Fee (left), of Tribute Funeral Homes, are asking for Darke County residents to help the relief efforts with donations of water, in cases or gallons. Radiant Hope Ministries will head out to Texas on Tuesday.
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Cases of water, like these donated by Dr. Clark of Johnston Chiropractic, will help the relief efforts to Texas residents devastated by the loss of power, heat and drinking water due to burst pipes. Donation drop-off locations are at Radiant Lighthouse Campus, 5256 Sebring Warner Rd. in Greenville, and Tribute Funeral Home, 1000 N. Broadway St., in Greenville (near the trailers). All donations accepted now through Mon., Feb. 22, at 7 p.m.
Keeping the Christmas spirit well
By Carol Marsh - DarkeCountyMedia.com
Barbara Fee, founder of the Community Christmas Dinner, shown smiling with Santa Claus in 2018. The 39th Annual Community Christmas Dinner, hosted by the Radiant Lighthouse, will take place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Dec. 25th, with a drive-thru for meal pickup and Christmas toys and gifts. The event is free and open to the public.
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Pastor Hershel Fee celebrates Christmas with guests at Greenville’s Community Christmas Dinner. Due to the pandemic, this year’s dinner will be served in a ‘drive-thru’ format from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Radiant Lighthouse Campus.