kat: the video of the adelphi university across team. they said we are sorry if anyone is offended. if you are offended by the president s words, i guess that s your issue. they have the same right to say it is they do to play but don t apologize. you are adults and college. stand by what you said. everybody s going to have an opinion. stand up and be proud about lacrosse. eric: the team liked it. too bad if they are offended and the crowd. i would rather hear president trump talking pro-american, be proud of america, make america great again then that jerk in san francisco who kneels for the national anthem. kat: he didn t apologize. i didn t see anything wrong.
there is a media double standard. it was unprofessional. eric: the vast mainstream media treats the pro-trump people and not pro-trump people. a eboni: they their bias. it should be done. but this is where they are. eric: even the opportunity to take the eye roll back, i m guessing he would. kat: i think a lot of people on the left had no problem with it. i don t pick it was sexist. sure, it was rude. he said trip down memory lane and talked about michigan. eric: why is it not sexist? rude can be applied to everyone. kat: calling out sexism doesn t exist diminishes real sexism. the reason anderson cooper wouldn t take that i roll back is because he hasn t gotten this much publicity and who knows how long.
eric: don t go away. we circle back with our specialists right after this. when they thought they should westart saving for retirement.le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. this gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us aren t prepared for retirement.
makes the american people say well, hold on. explain what s going on. this guy is investigating you, mr. president. why did you get rid of him? i don t understand. what this means is that our democracy requires an answer to that question. eboni: is the question why did you fire him? or why now? why did you fire him now? eric: the investigation goes on. it goes on it he needs to but what needs to happen. fox needs to answer, cnn, msnbc, to the american voter. here s what s at stake. here s why this matters. if there is collusion with a foreign power, if the russians involve themselves in your free and fair election, this is what it means. eric: no, you can t throw that out there. there is no collusion, no proof of collusion. kat: it s only been ten months, and donald trump seems to be so against this investigation. if there was nothing going on in
eric: much more effective charter schools. oh, no. the facts do not bear that out. it is statistically indeterminate. eric: charter schools outperform the public schools. we will go all day on that. i will say all that aside, it was disrespectful. she was invited as a guest. they could have sat there silently and not applauded. the silence would have been deafening but booming someone who came to speak it speak it graduation. eboni: it was a peaceful protest of the secretary. the secretary herself said she has respect for the students because they disagreed with her, they were peaceful about it. she hopes they can move a dialog forward. i am all about school choice. but if we look to michigan where