why whersyria where shelling has killed two americans. we have the reporter from the sunday times of london. two journalists died in the city of homs. it has faced weeks o of assault by government forces. secretary of state hill hil hillary clinton goes to the region to meet with readers. what can you tell, about marie colvin s death. reporter: she and a photographer were killed when a shell hit a house where they and other reporters were saying at a house. two other reporters had been injured. she was on oliver north war stories, she was on cnn anderson cooper s 360 hours before she died. she was well aware of the dangers she faced. she says you can figure out where the snipers are and avoid the places but you don t know where the shells are going to land. there is the free syrian army heavily outnumbered and outgunned. they have probgt propelled grenades, but they don t have a base. reporter: the um estimates 5400 people have been killed since the syrian uprising bega
why whersyria where shelling has killed two americans. we have the reporter from the sunday times of london. two journalists died in the city of homs. it has faced weeks o of assault by government forces. secretary of state hill hil hillary clinton goes to the region to meet with readers. what can you tell, about marie colvin s death. reporter: she and a photographer were killed when a shell hit a house where they and other reporters were saying at a house. two other reporters had been injured. she was on oliver north war stories, she was on cnn anderson cooper s 360 hours before she died. she was well aware of the dangers she faced. she says you can figure out where the snipers are and avoid the places but you don t know where the shells are going to land. there is the free syrian army heavily outnumbered and outgunned. they have probgt propelled grenades, but they don t have a base. reporter: the um estimates 5400 people have been killed since the syrian uprising bega
getting your ged, going to trade school or going to college. i mean, the biggest factor that will tell whether or not you come back to prison or not is education. program director eric courtney oversees the program that puts rival gang members side by side. what kind of things do you want to teach your daughter that maybe your father wasn t around to teach you? what kind of things different do you want to do with yours? teach her to get an education. in general population, gd, and the vice boards, they wouldn t associate, they would be against each other, they wouldn t talk. in here, since they re isolated, they have to. they have to, they realize they re more the same, more the same than different. maybe they were brought up different in rival gangs, but they re really more similar than they are different. i got a little brother. if he got locked up i feel like i was a bad role model, because he followed in my footsteps. me, too. i was very nervous. i feel scared on the in
on the streets we was taught to smash somebody on sight, beat them up as soon as we see them and take what they got. we was taught to hate them. see most people want things they ain t never had before. and they believe money can get you anything. it ain t about bringing you happiness. it s about you want to be on the higher level than the average person. you want to be somebody that you are not made to be. education is the key, it s getting your ged, going to trade school or going to college. i mean, the biggest factor that will tell whether or not you come back to prison or not is education. program director eric courtney oversees the program that puts rival gang members side by side. what kind of things do you want to teach your daughter that maybe your father wasn t around to teach you? what kind of things different do you want to do with yours? teach her to get an education. in general population, gd,
disciple member. inside pendleton he serves his time in one of america s most innovative and riskiest programs, the gang unit. on the streets we was taught smash a vice lord on sight. beat them up as soon as we see them and take what they got. we was taught to hate them. see most people want things they ain t never had before. and they believe money can get you anything. it ain t about bringing you happiness. it s about you want to be on the higher level than the average person. you want to be somebody that you are not made to be. education is the key, it s getting your ged, going to trade school or going to college. i mean, the biggest factor that will tell whether or not you come back to prison or not is education. program director eric courtney oversees the program that puts rival gang members side by side. what kind of things do you want to teach your daughter that maybe your father wasn t around