To talk on camera. But they did give us new details saying that the whole thing happened quickly. About a minute after getting the impact, they climbed out of the car, but at that point the Good Samaritan was already down. The driver of the silver toyota four runner said at that hour 2 40 a. M. On sunday morning he was on the lookout for drunk drivers, careful to stay at 65 miles an hour. He says that the driver of the black honda sedan who hit him from behind must have been going 100 miles an hour. The driver of the toyota suv did not want to talk on camera, but said that the impact sent his four runner spinning out of control, hit the median, and stopped on the side. Shortly after that, a Good Samaritan pulled his jeep to the side of the road to help. He walked into the lane and was hit and killed by an 18year old driver. Any time you see an accident on the freeway, do not stop on the freeway to help, just call 911 and let us know whats going on. You know if you stop, other people ca