During the 2008 crisis when we have the oracle on b. B. C. This is my earliest memory of max throwing worthless at the black hole of debt yeah well you know never feed a black hole of debt you know and this is what the strategy has been now for 15 years its actually goes all the way back down greenspan that there was a black hole of debt inside the economy because theres no accountability in the Banking Sector because of all the rules that were got no rhythm during the Clinton Administration then during the Bush Administration and during the Trip Administration all the all the checks and balances for Banking Industry types of been removed so the debt has been growing and the solution is to kill the black hole of debt not to feed the black hole of that so 6 trillion dollar bailout money is feeding the black hole of debt thats just more debt the National Debt in america is going to become more than 100 percent of g. D. P. Itll be chillen a percent of g. D. P. Itll be 300 percent of g. D.
Chairman heinicke all right. Good morning good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I will call this meeting of the San Francisco m. T. A. To arrested. I will read some preliminary rules after the roll is called. Call the roll. [roll call] clerk thank you. You have a quorum. Chairman heinicke all right. We have a quorum. Obviously, these are unique times, as we could say. Given the Public Health recommendations issued by the department of Public Health and Governor Newsom and mayor breed have lifted the attendance of Board Members by telephone, directors rubke and torres will be participating by phone at my request. Caroline and others in the room here to assist with our City Attorney deputy City Attorney, susan cleavelandknowles. We will say, at the end, get through this together. I will ask Board Members to mute their phones. It sounds great right now, but if you want to speak, unmute the phones and let us know. For this meeting, we would like public to participate remotely about writing
Of our various programs has been mention of my hair so just so you know in case my hair is not perfect as it usually is this is because we do not have anybody to look at me from behind until the edit situation or anything i think i have a comment on the go ahead and put the comment because this is very poor its your show youre the man in the photo i think if if the concern is for hair i think the top and the pants are going to become louder as a way to distract attention from the hair but ive been observing women for a very very long time and that was my my observation i could be wrong now well move into the serious side of the program because we have to cover the fact that we have a Global Pandemic everybody is on lockdown max and i have been on lockdown since for 29 days many people are just in lockdown for the last 2 days or so so we have many many weeks apparently ahead to go and what we have noticed is a theme that we cover all the time on this show is that there is always a banke
Chairman heinicke all right. Good morning good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I will call this meeting of the San Francisco m. T. A. To arrested. I will read some preliminary rules after the roll is called. Call the roll. [roll call] clerk thank you. You have a quorum. Chairman heinicke all right. We have a quorum. Obviously, these are unique times, as we could say. Given the Public Health recommendations issued by the department of Public Health and Governor Newsom and mayor breed have lifted the attendance of Board Members by telephone, directors rubke and torres will be participating by phone at my request. Caroline and others in the room here to assist with our City Attorney deputy City Attorney, susan cleavelandknowles. We will say, at the end, get through this together. I will ask Board Members to mute their phones. It sounds great right now, but if you want to speak, unmute the phones and let us know. For this meeting, we would like public to participate remotely about writing
Clerk thank you. You have a quorum. Chairman heinicke all right. We have a quorum. Obviously, these are unique times, as we could say. Given the Public Health recommendations issued by the department of Public Health and Governor Newsom and mayor breed have lifted the attendance of Board Members by telephone, directors rubke and torres will be participating by phone at my request. Caroline and others in the room here to assist with our City Attorney deputy City Attorney, susan cleavelandknowles. We will say, at the end, get through this together. I will ask Board Members to mute their phones. It sounds great right now, but if you want to speak, unmute the phones and let us know. For this meeting, we would like public to participate remotely about writing a question and contacting us electronically. Thank you for honoring this request. Going forward, we urge the public to write the board at mtaboard sfmta. Gov or calling 4154464470. That information is also on our website if you need th