where s the blame lie in terms of letting this catastrophe occur in the first instance? i don t think we know yet, chris. i heard the clip from dana preno and the others, i think we have to get the robots on the seabed, get the equipment up above sea level, get it on to some docks and let s see what happens. right now i don t know. you either had faulty equipment. you had some problem with bp and some people speculate maybe there was some sabotage. what do you make of that speculation? what do you make of that speculation about sabotage? why would somebody sabotage something to cause this kind of damage to our planet, really? well, because i think there are terrorists in the world who would like to do that sort of thing. terrorists don t give a rat s butt about the ecology or anything else. all they care about is hurting america. well do you think based upon what we know, there s any indication of terrorism? no, not yet. there s not. what do you make of the political charge