freedom versus tyranny or versus maga republicans, joe biden stands for freedom. actually joe biden stands for totalitarian implement nism, not a damn thing he has done as president to promote freedom. joe biden is the last of the segregationists. he likes to pretend he was part of the civil rights movement. he was part of the antise anticivil rights movement. when he stepped foot in senate he befriended most racists in the senate, we took him under his wing, the documents show us, the speeches and vote show. what it he do? he opposed every attempt at integrating public schools particularly in the inner-cities including wilmington. he opposed every attempt at integrating cities, period. joe biden was a full-floated segregationist and racist. he is always remaking himself into something he is not. he was no noton not a civil right activist but a plaigerrist, that is how he got through law school and also while running for president. lying about his scholarship and his grades,
there. not a lot, we the american people have a right to demand of him, the first lady, the media and the de democrat party to know, before there is a single vote cast in the democrat primaries, certainly in the general election, what the mental health is of joe biden. not a jake. not a cliche it sa is a reality, we have a 25m amendment there, we should not have to wait to figure out if i don t kn joe biden is cabe able capable to be president of the united states, that man hispanic-american heri his finger right next to the nuclear button, disinformation board. twitter, fbi dhs censorship. replacing equality wer with equity, very marxist of