On every issue, the Democratic Socialists of America has shown itself not to be an instrument for realizing socialism or even the most meager social reforms, but a “left” cover for the shift ever further to the right of the political apparatus of the ruling class.
The following is a report given by Andre Damon to the Seventh Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US) in support of the resolution titled “Mobilize the working class against imperialist war!”
The London Bus Rank-and-File Committee is a militant faction of drivers committed to the principle that workers’ interests must take priority over corporate profit.
Insider account of Corbyn’s suspension confirms his prostration before Labour’s right-wing
New Left Review and author of
The Starmer Project.
It is an unserious article, subtitled “It’s just as much of a shitshow as you thought”, and written as an apologia for Corbyn. But its attempted defence of the former Labour leader, focusing on his efforts to placate Labour’s right-wing and their rebuffing of his every entreaty, is an unintendedly damning account of his political cowardice and deceit.
The Novara Media article Here’s What Really Happened When Labour Suspended Corbyn (source: Novara Media web site)