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News & Events STRASBOURG 6 May 2021 Augmenter la taille du texte Imprimer la page Imprimer en PDF
Strasbourg, 05.05.2021 – The Committee of Ministers today adopted Guidelines for the 47 member states to help them in upholding equality and protecting against discrimination and hate during the Covid-19 pandemic and similar crises in the future.
The Committee of Ministers stresses the importance of establishing effective structures and procedures to manage crises and their specific impact on disadvantaged groups and equality in a swift and inclusive way.
In doing so, member states should respect the European Convention on Human Rights and other international human rights instruments and take into account the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages and other European or international human rights instruments, as we
This Survey Analysis is part of the project MINDSET co-financed by DG JUST through the REC Programme.
The concept has been developed due to the gap between EU legislation in the field of non-discrimination based on ethnic origin and the implementation on the ground at national level. Indeed, a lack of awareness of rights, bodies and redress mechanisms; unclear understanding of what discrimination really means and insufficient media coverage are a reality in our societies.
For this reason, Equality Bodies and Civil Society Organisations in Italy, Romania and Sweden were invited to complete Questionnaires with a focus on (1) Implementation, (2) Assistance to victims and (3) Capacity building. The aim of these Questionnaires is to help identify the needs of Equality Bodies and CSOs in these 3 countries and what tools they require to sufficiently provide both preventive and redress mechanisms to ethnic discrimination.
you want to keep and what you don t want to keep. what do you want to spend money on and think is wasteful. he said he d veto it. i don t understand, democrats when they win, they feel like they lose. and what happened, penny, i m going line by line over the budget. and the president, he does not have that power. he does not have the veto power, that was not a wait a minute, for all the capital using saying we re social darwinists on the right that wand to stab granny, beat her, shoot her in the head and throw her over the cliff maybe he can spend less political capital and say hey, we re not going to give hundreds of thousands to yale for the study of the sexual conflict, social behavior and evolution of water fowl genitalia. hundreds of thousands of dollars. there are two equality bodies this is a president who wanted to ban earmarks, the same kind of pork that you re talking