right turn blog for the washington post. and we have a political reporter for usa today and jeff i want to start with you. at some point herman cain s great line which i always appreciated is america needs to get a sense of humor. which i actually agree with that platform. at some point the joking about everything he said, how do you say 9-9-9, how do you say 15 minutes in cuban? does this all start to catch up with him? are we reaching a tipping point? it s catching up with him now. i think we re seeing his numbers begin to decline. his 15 minutes is up in cuban or any other language and i think now is the time especially on the tail of him saying presidents don t need to know everything. yeah. it s just a dangerous place now for even gop members to be more concerned with entertainment than substance. and going into new hampshire and iowa they just can t afford to continue to ride this rollercoaster. we all know that politics is, you know, equal parts