earlier i spoke to local journalist carolina loza leon who is the city of manta in ecuador. there has been suspension on public offices so everybody is going to work from home, same with universities and school. this represents a problem for people who have connectivity issues in many parts of the country. many people are afraid to go out, there s been a series of detentions overnight. we have a curfew from 11 p m2 5am. everybody is waiting for a swift response. the drug gang leader who had the prison break is on the hunt is still on. people are waiting for a response from the government and we are still starting to see some differences in politicians on how this has to be handled so there is a lot of uncertainty and staying at
schools have been temporarily closed. notorious gangster escaped from prison. quick warning.let s look at the moment gunmen got into a tv studio while it was live on air. this was a moment gunmen got into a tv studio live on air. this was a moment gunmen got into a tv studio live on air. this was tuesday night, police did get there. 13 men arrested. let s look at equador. crucially look at the border here. peru has sent armed re inforcements to the border in case violence spreads.