Epilepsy in children poses unique challenges for diagnosis, treatment, and parental support. The initial step in identifying epilepsy involves a comprehensive medical history review and neurological examination. Specialized tests such as electroencephalography (EEG) play a crucial role in confirming the diagnosis by detecting abnormal brain activity. The diagnostic process often requires collaboration between pediatricians, neurologists, and other healthcare professionals to ensure accurate evaluation.
November is epilepsy awareness month. Many people living with epilepsy are looking to bring an understanding to those who do not understand what their condition
Epilepsy is a common brain disorder of recurrent seizures due to abnormal electrical functioning of the brain. Genetic factors to a few medical conditions can cause it. | Thehealthsite.com
National Epilepsy Day 2023: On a day meant to increase awareness about epilepsy, a doctor shares how the chronic noncommunicable disease of the brain has to be differently approached depending on whether the patient is an adult or a child.