Stonington Parents pleaded with the school board Thursday night to allow students to return to full in-person classes instead of the hybrid mode that has been used since September.
They told the board the current instruction mode in which students go to school in person two days a week and learn remotely three days a week has led to students not being engaged in learning, being left behind academically and increased cases of anxiety, depression, eating disorders and other problems.
Others said data support the safety of full-time in-person learning. They challenged school officials and staff to creatively deal with issues such as staffing in order to get students back in class full time and asked why other school systems, such as East Lyme, are returning to in-person learning.
The new figures come as the Cuomo administration has been forced in recent weeks to acknowledge that the overall number of COVID-19 deaths among long-term
As a business reporter, I write about small businesses opening and closing, manufacturing, food and drink, labor issues and economic data. I particularly love writing about the impact of state and federal policy on local businesses. I also do some education reporting, covering colleges in southeastern Connecticut and regional K-12 issues.
Erica Moser
As a business reporter, I write about small businesses opening and closing, manufacturing, food and drink, labor issues and economic data. I particularly love writing about the impact of state and federal policy on local businesses. I also do some education reporting, covering colleges in southeastern Connecticut and regional K-12 issues.