magazine is the epic migration to europe and what lies ahead. times editor at large joins the table. thank you for being with us. i can t take my eyes off some of these pictures. talking about theover all, the big picture on refugees and displace being people still in the country that have had to leave their homes. 60 million people which is the most that s been since world war ii. the serians are leaving middle east and making this crossing across the and this odyssey up through the balkins. this is in cr you get these pictures that draw on the history of europe and it s all kind of, it s powerful because
of what we remember of world war ii and railroad stations and refugees. these people are going where they want to go. it s so full of strife and stress to get there. he landed in croatia and landed and went to the border just as the hungarians closed their border and the people basically took a left and tried to go into croatia and find their way north that way. they re walking across a corn field and he gets pictures nobody else gets. it s extraordinary. you have the great migration rarely in modern history have so many been so desperate to flee. now their brave and tragic journeys are reshaping europe and the world. as you were saying earlier, nicole, this was looked at as a proposition. this was known to have happened