EPHRATA – A building on Basin Street will soon be home to a new business in Ephrata, the Discovery Cider Company.
“So, initially, we opened a cidery on the west side, in Tacoma,” said Brennan James, who owns the cidery with his wife, Berlyn Sandstrom. “We opened it as Tin Hat Cider Company, and it started because I just liked cider.” .
Below is a partial list of events that may be of interest to seniors in the Columbia Basin. To review more events, visit www.columbiabasinherald.com and click on the EVENTS link near the top of the page.
COLUMBIA BASIN - As the holidays approach, there’s plenty to do in the Columbia Basin to have fun, support good causes and learn. Here are just a sample of those events. To submit your event for possible publication, please visit www.columbiabasinherald.com, click on the EVENTS tab and select Create an Event. Free and premium listings are available.
EPHRATA The Ephrata Chamber of Commerce is looking for volunteers to help with community events, according to an announcement from the chamber.
Events are planned for throughout the year, the announcement said, including the Anything with Wheels show, the Wine Walk, the Sage-N-Sun festival and Bells on Basin. The chamber will host a volunteer meeting in September to prepare for the events.
Above is a photo from one of the car shows the chamber put on earlier this year.
Anybody interested in volunteering is invited to contact the chamber at 509-754-4656 or by email at ephratawachamber@gmail.com.