Most of the United States could experience blackouts if we see above-normal summer conditions, according to the North American Reliability Corporation (NERC). The fast-paced retirement of firm power generation and flat growth in anticipated resources are major contributors to the threat of increasing grid instability, which could result in electricity shortages. Poor policy choices have prevented the…
EXCLUSIVE Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) claimed that an adherence to political agenda in the Biden administration spans policies across the board, affecting farmers and the public and putting national security at risk.
Once again, the lefties running Joe Biden's regime are demonstrating that the Democratic Party is the party of authoritarianism, tyranny, and downright lunacy. During the Obama regime, busy [.]
The proposal released Monday by the Environmental Protection Agency would require the industry to cut smog-and-soot-forming nitrogen oxide emissions by up to 90% per truck over current standards by 2031.