Hässleholm, Sweden, 11 May 2023 1 January–31 March 2023 Net sales amounted to 277 MSEK.EBIT amounted to -12 MSEK. Profit before tax amounted to -12 MSEK.Net profit. | May 11, 2023
Hässleholm 10 May 2023 Eolus has signed a cooperation agreement with Finnish landowner Finsilva for development of five wind power projects with a potential for more than 600 MW in. | May 10, 2023
and all parties have communicated that they want to stop the wind farm. However, a clear majority of the Kävlinge residents who support the governing parties is in favor of the plans for the. | May 9, 2023
Hässleholm, 4 May 2023 Eolus Vind AB’s Interim Report for the first quarter will be published on Thursday 11 May 2023 at 8:30 a.m. . At 10:00 a.m. the same day a webcast with. | May 4, 2023
Hässleholm, Sweden, 25 April 2023 The Gothenburg Port Authority will become a partner in Eolus’s Västvind offshore wind power project, outside Gothenburg. The farm will be able. | April 25, 2023