Safra cut recommendations from four retail companies (Image: Ag. Brasil/Fernando Frazão) Safra made a major update within the retail. Focusing on discretionary consumptionthe bank carried out four downgrades, with Arezzo (ARZZ3), Guararapes (GUAR3) It is Vivara (VIVA3) now have a neutral recommendation – with target prices of R$78, R$7.70 and…
Antagonists: for The Economist, Lula represents “democratic normality”, while Bolsonaro is a symbol of toxic populism (Image: Reproduction/ TV Globo) A special edition end of year british magazine The Economistwhich provides a retrospective of the main political and economic facts of 2023, has everything to cause controversy in Brazil. The…
History: purchase of Amil by Seripieri Filho is the largest acquisition ever made by an individual in Brazil (Image: Facebook/ Amil) A sale from the Amilone of the biggest health plan operators from Brazil, was approved recently by the board of directors of its controlling company, UnitedHealth Group (UHG)per R$…
Owner of the KFC and Pizza Hut brands makes a lot of money from the sale of companies in Colombia; operation does not involve Brazil (Image: Pixabay) The International Meal Company (BMI – MEAL3), company that controls the brands KFC It is Pizza Hut in Brazil, signed a binding agreement…
Dollar operates at the lows of 2023, at BRL 4.76, and Goldman Sachs sees the currency falling close to BRL 0.40 by the end of the year (Image: REUTERS) O dollar in sight operates in decline this Monday (19), maintaining the devaluation bias against the real displayed in recent weeks.…