Angola, Africa’s top oil producer, is flush with money. Yet wealth remains concentrated in the hands of a very few, leaving the bulk of the population in poverty.
President Joe Biden has tapped the nation’s emergency oil reserves several times over the past year. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is just one of the stockpiles that the United States maintains for economic and strategic purposes.
On Monday March 28, 2022, some gunmen launched a deadly attack on a Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) Abuja-Kaduna evening train carrying an estimated 398 passengers. After detonating explosives on the track (and possibly inside the train according to conflicting reports in the local media), the gunmen surrounded the immobilized train and started discharging their firearms into the carriages. It took at least an hour before a detachment of the Nigerian military came to the rescue of the passengers, who had cowered under their seats as the bandits fired incessantly.
The incident left at least eight people dead among them a young medical doctor Chinelo Megafu and Musa Lawal-Ozigi, secretary-general of the country’s Trade Union Congress and at least another forty-one hospitalized, while the yet unidentified assailants also captured some of the passengers.