20 October 2022, Quezon City. Civil society groups advocating for a zero waste and toxics-free Philippines are appealing to the government anew to adopt
20 October 2022, Quezon City. Civil society groups advocating for a zero waste and toxics-free Philippines are appealing to the government anew to adopt
Eric Holder’s Justice Department has exiled Christopher Coates to South Carolina. Coates, you may recall, is a career attorney at Justice, the chief of the Civil rights Division’s (CRD) Voting Section. More to the point, Coates recommended that the CRD file a lawsuit for voter intimidation against the New Black Panther party and several of its members, who were in paramilitary uniforms (one of them waving a nightstick) threatening elderly white voters at a polling station in Philadelphia during last year’s elections.
On May 18, 1971, Pennsylvania’s voters by a four-to-one margin ratified what is now Article I, Section 27 of our state constitution– the ERA that provides in part:
The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment.
Franklin, over 50 years ago, saw the terrible carnage that the coal industry had visited on our state’s Streams. He conceived of creating an amendment to the constitution which would permanently provide environmental protection in Pennsyvlania.
When we filmed Franklin, I noticed on his kitchen wall copies of Picasso’s paintings of Don Quixote. These remind him that one can overcome seemingly impossible obstacles. He won his legislative seat against overwhelming odds, and he maneuvered this landmark amendment through the legislative process. Now Pennsylvania has been joined by two other states – Montana and Hawaii – in having such amendment in their c
The Straits Times
Philippines is not a dumping ground: Inquirer
The paper says that advocates point to loopholes in the laws that have made the country wide open to both illegal and legitimised waste trade.
Volunteers sort plastic waste on the shore of Freedom Island, Philippines, during a cleanup organised by green groups.
PublishedJan 27, 2021, 11:50 am SGT
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