On June 3, 2023, President Biden signed into law the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (FRA). The FRA was the result of an agreement between White House and congressional GOP.
Legislation recently enacted to raise the federal debt ceiling (the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 or FRA) includes major permitting reforms with the potential to streamline federal.
National Environmental Policy Act NEPA, NEPA knowns as Builder Act, requires the federal government agencies inform the public and consider alternatives to proposed federal actions and the reasonably foreseeable environmental impacts of those actions before making decisions.
On June 3, 2023, President Biden signed into law the Fiscal Responsibility Act. The law increased the debt ceiling and, among other things, amended the National Environmental Policy Act.
Without fanfare or ceremony, on Saturday June 3rd, President Biden signed the bitterly-negotiated Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (FRA), also known as the Debt Ceiling Limit.