Till the last reports received here from Odisha Chief Electoral Officer, Bargarh LS constituency polled the highest 66.14 per cent votes followed by Sundargarh with 62.36 per cent, Balangir (61.35 pc), Kandhamal 57.46 pc and Aska (55.65 pc).
Union Forest and Climate Change Minister Bhupender Yadav on Saturday said that "stringent action" will be ensured on the killing of a forest guard by poachers in Odisha's Similipal National Park.Replying to a tweet of Union Education .
Odisha Forest and Environment Minister Pradip Amat on Monday said strong action will be taken against the persons including officials involved in alleged poaching of a wild tusker in the Similipal tiger reserve.
Odisha Forest and Environment Minister Pradip Amat on Monday said strong action will be taken against the persons including officials involved in alleged poaching of a wild tusker in the Similipal tiger reserve.As per reports, it was alleged .