the internal polling has biden by 6 in georgia and up 12 in north carolina and data from quinney peyak hints at an upset in texas where biden leads by 4. there s south carolina. while we don t yet have polling that puts biden head-to-head against trump, the entruce yams for the former vice president is cut and dry. he leads the democratic field by at least 20 points in recent primary polls. maybe biden is not too far off and his optimism and prediction, biden hinted his campaign received donations from 360,000 donors with an average contribution of $55. that comes out to almost $20 million raised. i m terrible at math. i have no idea. you can check it and tweet me. the fact that biden shared those numbers at a big manhattan fund-raiser wasn t lost on the competition. elizabeth warren said i don t spend time at fancy fund raisers, but instead meeting