$100 trillion for 2020. is that going to be addressed? and has to be addressed. bret, the numbers don t surprise anybody. that s because the democrats, the baby boomers are retiring, we are not ready for them s. in addition to guaranteeing productions for people with pre-existing conditions, we have given people more choices, but it will be a great effort in debt reduction. the house passed that bill. the biggest we ve considered in a generation. this entitlement reform bill we ve considered in a generatio generation, it failed to pass the senate by one vote. congress needs to get back at that because we do need health care reform, we need to lower premiums, maintain those protections for pre-existing conditions, but you also had to deal with these issues. you on the flip side, bret, you ve got to have a growing economy. that s happening because we ve done what we need to do to get this economy growing.
on. i m proud of the fact that the house passed the biggest entitlement reform bill. do i regret that the senate didn t pass it? yes. from all the budget i ve passed normal ao idsing entitlement reform and the house passing it i m proud of that fact. of course, more work needs to be done and it is entitlements. that s where the work needs to be done and i ll keep fighting for that. over here. mr. speaker did the chance that you might not be speaker come november if democrats take the house factor into the decision? no. none whatsoever. i m not a guy who thinks about it like that. this really was two things. i have accomplished much of what i came here to do and my kids aren t getting any younger. if i stay, they are only going to know me as a weekend dad and i can t do that. that s it right there. the impact of your announcement on the 2018
money? we have to give to get so we had to do domestic spending that the democrats wanted so we could get our defense spending and we got a lot of spending cuts we wanted they didn t want either so yes this is a bipartisan compromise you don t get everything you want and what i would simply say is look at what the house has already proven our ability to do on entitlements. we have passed every year since we ve been in the majority, every term big entitlement savings, the problem we have is we can t get these things through the send aour healthcare bill people look as the repeal and replace bill that was enormous entitlement reform bill for medicaid, obamacare. maria: so what s realistic then you aren t going to make changes in an election year. this is in the journal today. income transfers like medicare medicaid, social security food stamps that category was 47.7% in 1989 and today it s 69.2% and that doesn t include the net interest on the debt.
the markets may push your hand. we re seeing thousand point declines and nervousness about these deficits. like i said we pass this bill in the house already. we ve done this in the house. we ve not been able to get these bills passed in the senate or over the finish line. maria: so what do you do? what s the realistic solution here? what we tried to do was do it all in the house bill with repeal and replace like i said we passed it and that bill one guy in the senate did this instead of that and that went down. that would have been the biggest entitlement reform bill ever passed by congress so we re going back and doing it incrementally. we re doing other entitlement reforms to chip away at this problem. maria: do you think you ll have an actual entitlement reform package in place this year? i can t answer the question. maria: it s unlikely. this is an election year. i think there are things we can do if we can get at the root cause of health inflation and do things that are g
because that s what we spend 70 to 80% of our tax dollars on. funding all of these entitlements. are you going to stick around, mr. speaker, to see that part of your promise through? yes, i am, number one. number two, just so you know, martha, the house has passed all of these bills. the house passed the biggest entitlement reform bill ever passed by a congress in may, our healthcare bill. unfortunately the senate fell basically a vote short from doing that what are we going to do in 2018? we will pick up where releft off and get back at reforming hurricane. we will get back at reforming these entitlements. we will take on welfare reform another big entitlement program basically paying able-bodied people not to work depriving them with all these disincentives from going to the workforce. this faster growing economy is going to produce higher wages and more demand for good-paying jobs. so welfare reform is the perfect time to do welfare reform. martha: democrats can t wait for you t