is where do we begin, josh? let s do a little bit of both. what we had from allen and a little bit of what our viewers are talking about. i want to recap what he said. it was so interesting and important. he said they managed to collect 25,000 barrels yesterday. the reason that is so significant, that s a big judgment from what we were seeing the day before when they collected 18 thousand barrels. what he is talking about, they have two ships operating. international drill ship here. each of them is working differently. enterprise drillship collectses and the q4000 burns. the amount of oil is being collected in one day. that s a little bit of good news and will counterpoint what we have been hearing from the viewers. lot of them are very upset about the kind of stuff they were hearing yesterday out of bp. let s jump to our blog here. this is from our blog i can t believe representative barton. how dare he apologize to bp? then turn around and condemn president obama for