Blue Homeland theorist: Greece is expanding at the expense of Turkey, implementing the Megali Idea
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New provocative statements against Greece were made by the former head of the Turkish General Staff of the main theorist of the Blue Homeland theory, Cihat Yaycı, during an interview with CNN Türk.
The so-called “theoretician” of Ankara’s failed “Blue Homeland” project to steal Greek maritime space, provocatively argued that Greece is constantly expanding at the expense of Turkey, talking about the “Megali Idea” (Great Idea).
Erdoğan’s envisioned Blue Homeland that aims to steal Greek islands and maritime space.
65 Years of EOKA Liberation Struggle
The year 2020 marked the 65th anniversary of 1st of April 1955, the day the EOKA struggle began. A milestone for Cyprus history, because it proved the mental strength of Cypriot Hellenism and its strong faith in the demand for Enosis (Union) with Greece. A milestone in world history, because it has demonstrated the power of the desire for freedom that has pervaded the darkness of colonialism. The peaceful young people of Cyprus turned into excellent and resourceful freedom fighters, the pupils turned into a rushing volcano and the women turned into mental strength beacons. The participation of the whole Hellenism of Cyprus is the component that made the Struggle great, aroused the admiration of all free men and women around the world and forced Great Britain to withdraw, resulting in the creation of the Republic of Cyprus.