If you are interested in joining the Neshoba County 4-H Horse Club, join us on April 11th at 5:30 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room located at the Neshoba County Coliseum. This will include information regarding riding events as well as horse art opportunities.
Mt. Enon M.B. Church in the Dixon Community cordially invites all area church families to attend the 4th year anniversary program for Pastor James Pinkston on Sunday, January 21s
Mt. Enon M.B. Church in the Dixon Community cordially invites all area church families to attend the 4th year anniversary program for Pastor James Pinkston on Sunday, January 21st at 3:00.
The Annual MLK Parade is set for Saturday, January 13, 2024. The parade will start on Poplar Ave. same route as the Christmas parade. Parade line up starts at 10:00, parade starts at 11:00.
The Class of 1978 invites you to a Dine & Fellowship gathering on Veterans Day weekend, November 10 and 11. For more information, contact Carl Gary 662-386-9321, Belinda Harris 404-516-6328, Faith (Bramela) Edwards 334-774-4999 after 3PM or faithedwards219@gmail.comĀ