The Minister of State at the Department Of Health has confirmed that a tender specification document for a dialysis unit in Ennis is being finalised by the UL Hospitals Group. The issue was raised in the Seanad this week by Ennistymon-based Fine Gael Senator Martin Conway who spoke of the number of patients in West […]
A Clare Government Senator’s calling for clarity on prospective funding for wastewater infrastructure in Broadford. The Government announced a 50 million euro plan earlier this year to provide essential sewerage facilities to certain areas, where it was expected the East Clare village would benefit. However, no confirmation of the funding has been received yet, despite […]
A Clare Government Senator says he ‘can’t understand’ why a second COVID-19 vaccine booster hasn’t been approved for all immuno-compromised people. It’s understood recommendations for a winter jab programme will emerge soon amid increasing numbers of cases and hospitalisations. Only those aged over 65 and those with certain specific conditions, including cancer and HIV, are […]
Senior management within the UL Hospitals Group are to appear before the Oireachtas Health Committee next month, to address concerns raised in the damning HIQA report published last week. It follows a request from Ennistymon-based Fine Gael Senator Martin Conway, with the fallout into the report following the health body’s unannounced inspection continuing. Meanwhile, a […]
A Clare Government Senator says a State investment of 15 million euro to transfer the operation of three Shannon Heritage sites to the local authority would be ‘just the start’ of what’s needed. Negotiations between Clare County Council and a number of Government departments on the management of Bunratty Castle & Folk Park, Knappogue Castle […]