Define ferrule. ferrule synonyms, ferrule pronunciation, ferrule translation, English dictionary definition of ferrule. ferrule top to bottom: household paintbrush, round paintbrush, and cosmetic brush n. 1. A metal ring or cap placed around a pole or shaft for reinforcement.
Define roster. roster synonyms, roster pronunciation, roster translation, English dictionary definition of roster. n. A list, especially of the names of players on a sports team or of the personnel in a military unit. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English.
Define propitiate. propitiate synonyms, propitiate pronunciation, propitiate translation, English dictionary definition of propitiate. tr.v. pro·pi·ti·at·ed , pro·pi·ti·at·ing , pro·pi·ti·ates To gain or regain the goodwill or favor of; appease: propitiate the gods with a sacrifice..
Define abase. abase synonyms, abase pronunciation, abase translation, English dictionary definition of abase. tr.v. a·based , a·bas·ing , a·bas·es To lower in rank, prestige, or esteem. See Synonyms at debase. a·baseā²ment n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the.
Define remunerate. remunerate synonyms, remunerate pronunciation, remunerate translation, English dictionary definition of remunerate. tr.v. re·mu·ner·at·ed , re·mu·ner·at·ing , re·mu·ner·ates 1. To pay a suitable equivalent in return for goods provided, services rendered, or losses.