So far in Maharashtra, students could apply to private unaided or self-financed schools within a radius of one to 3km under the Right to Education Act, 2009.
250 schools in Pune may shut, state govt told
250 schools in Pune may shut, state govt told
BySalonee MistrySalonee Mistry / Updated: Apr 21, 2021, 06:00 IST
These are among 1,700 private, small-budget
schools across
Maharashtra that are unable to sustain operations amid lockdown, coupled with non-payment of fees by parents of students; their association writes to education minister for urgent solution
The pandemic has been a long and tough phase across key sectors, of which education is also sorely hit. As this prominently affected sphere continues to sustain shocks from restrictions surrounding the outbreak, it has emerged that the aftermath of the economic impact might lead to some rather long-term damage.