This c.b.c. 5. It is now I want to welcome 5 Live Hello good morning and a warm welcome to local radio stations from across the b.b.c. This is a cold night I m Calamus on the main news I m 5 lines the u.s. And North Korea greets me and in sports Arsenal for their recent wives to one side on a memorable night in Milan. This is b.b.c. . And the b.b.c. News on 5 why Piers Rose unopposed Woods President Trump has agreed to hold talks with the North Korean leader Kim Jong un South Korean officials made the announcement this morning after unprecedented meetings with both parties North Korea is stopping any further nuclear and missile tests has also correspondence more because this significance of this indictment is huge because not only has chemical and said he wants to meet President trunk President Trump said he will commit to meet again by the end of May That is a very short time scale Now these are huge steps these are huge leaps forward this would be the 1st meeting between a u.s. Pres
From 10 have again. When you. Are Still this be seen. It is now I want to quote come 5 Live Hello good morning and a warm welcome to local radio stations from across the b.b.c. This is up all night I m Calamus on the main news I m 5 lines the u.s. And North Korea greets me and in sports Arsenal for their recent wives to one side on a memorable night in Milan. This is b.b.c. News. Under the b.b.c. News on followed by Piers Rose unopposed Woods President Trump has agreed to hold talks with the North Korean leader Kim Jong un South Korean officials made the announcement this morning after unprecedented meetings with both parties North Korea is stopping any further nuclear and missile tests has also correspondent Laura because this significance of this announcement is huge because not only has commitment said he wants to meet President trunk President Trump said he had will commit to meet again by the end of May That is a very short time scale Now these are huge steps these are huge leaps
When you see my story this c.b.c. 5. It is my 1 o clock on 5 Live Hello good morning and a warm welcome to local radio stations from across the b.b.c. This is up all night so I m Callum mix on the main news I m 5 lines the u.s. And North Korea agree with me and in sports Arsenal for their recent wives to one side on a memorable night in Milan. This is b.b.c. 5 live on the b.b.c. News on 55 years Rose unopposed Woods President Trump has agreed to hold talks with the North Korean leader Kim Jong un South Korean officials made the announcement this morning after unprecedented meetings with both parties North Korea is stopping any further nuclear and missile tests has also correspondence more because this significance of this announcement is huge because not only has commitment said he wants to meet President Trump President Trump said he will commit to meet again by the end of May That is a very short timescale you know these are huge steps these are huge leaps forward this would be the
He knew he would get it since he decided a few weeks ago it would don t equal 10 we have a. Bit he hasn t really got to do anything about that we grow around into a small inflation call them all to count the high level of even a really big deal which means that I get the car getting ready to have something like 3 major did she do as far buying one yet still you know you won t get this problem to take you gave really bad with you we had a bug in the extent you did a mission campaign and. I think it s a good movie and you re going to get the nod you re actually kind of nice maybe you re just going to shoot for a big. You know what to enquire what you have been doing all of this. You and that other means without that I ve been missing for months but with respect we have been traveling around trying to find out something about this planet that. If I mean I know I have no use I have got news for you it doesn t matter a pair of fetid dingo s kidneys what you won t choose to do from now will
B.b.c. News at 10 I might Powell Norfolk Police which is facing a funding shortfall of $10000000.00 pounds is axing all of its police community support officers known as P.C. s The Forces Chief Constable Simon Bailey says it s part of a plan to save money and address an increase in sexual offenses and cyber crime the chairman of Norfolk Police Federation Andy Simmons says the force has already been slashed to the bone in Norfolk without a cut of over 300 police officers so this isn t going to replace those losses and unfortunately since 2012 we ve been telling the government that cuts have consequences and today unfortunately the residents of Norfolk a lot money in their taxes in their council tax are seeing a reduction in community support officers who are the visibility of the can start their day in day out figures out today show more than a 1000000 cases of flight a ping have been reported in England over the last year household waste builders rubble tires and even animal carcasses