Do you speak Euro-English?
A new kind of English is flourishing in Europe, the linguist Marko Modiano says - especially after Brexit. Maurice Frank, 26.1.2021 - 11:28 Uhr
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Photo: imago images/SteinachBritish English has ruled the roost in EU communications for decades - that could be set to change post-Brexit.
Berlin - Earlier this month, France’s EU affairs minister Clément Beaune said that, now that the Brexit negotiations were over, Europeans should stop using “broken English” when communicating with one another. Speaking to journalists in French, he said: “Let’s get used to speaking our languages again!” But English has long been the main working language of the EU – and that isn’t going to change any time soon. The linguist and Professor of English Marko Modiano believes English – specifically, a new type of European English – will only grow stronger in the post-Brexit era, as he outlined in his 2017 paper English in a post‐B