On Tuesday, August 15, 2023, Carol Badart VanWie, 77, pleaded guilty in Calvert County District Court to multiple charges involving violations of Maryland’s animal cruelty laws. VanWie was given a 90 day jail sentence with all 90 days suspended, placed on 3 years of probation, and ordered not to possess any animals. In addition, she reimbursed Calvert County the sum of $66,857.58 for the care and feeding of the animals that were confiscated from her property.
On January 11, 2023, Officer Higgs of the Maryland Natural Resources Police conducted a routine wildlife master rehabilitator inspection at 1309 Tongue Cove Drive in Lusby, Calvert County MD, who is occupied by Carole Badart VanWie age 76 and is permitted as a wildlife master rehabilitator through the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (permit number 55687)
When he was a kid in Delavan, Kyle Adams showed rabbits through 4-H at local fairs. Now he’s involved in a different way, as a judge for rabbit showmanship.