steve: even though we re now entering our tenth day of the government shutdown, about half of the 800,000 workers originally furloughed back on the job. here is the real kicker, many of those furloughed workers are getting paid twice. joining us right now from the fox business network with this wrinkle to this snafu, here is stuart varney. how are they double dipping? if you re furloughed by the federal government. steve: which they were. which they were, a lot of them are signing up for unemployment benefits. and a lot of them have received unemployment benefits. steve: because they re technically unemployed. this week, for example, dc itself, the city, the town, has paid out $4 million. maryland, the state, has paid out $6 million. now, they re going to get paid for that furlough eventually they will get paid. that is double dipping. the question is, can we get the unemployment benefit checks back? the answer is maybe. steve: but it would have to be the states because
people buy because if that was so, then you would have negotiated in july, august. now at a deadline, who would be optimistic? these are the poll numbers that show that america is saying go deal with each other. go into a room and work it out because this is flat out embarrassing. the rest of the world is laughing at us. the imf has a meeting in washington. we could barely even go. we got taken to the wood shed because we can t fund our own government. elisabeth: notice, in the president s address last night when he was talking to media, he originally was saying, i m not going to negotiate. i m not going to negotiate. no one liked that line. americans hated it. now he s saying, i ve always said, i ve been willing to talk about anything. i ll talk about anything. that s the new narrative coming forward, which is not true. steve: yeah, right. cause i ll talk about anything, but i m not going to negotiate. more on that in a little while. on capitol hill yesterday, the woman tapped to
would you like free fries with that? the scoop on a fast food joint giving fries away. steve: did you know about this dangerous side effect to obamacare? effect to obamacare? brian: the judge. hey, i notice your car yeah. it s in the shop. it s going to cost me an arm and a leg. you shoulda taken it to midas. they tell you what stuff needs fixing, and what stuff can wait. high-five! arg! brakes, tires, oil, everything.
congratulations on the daily show, there might be an owning. dr. ben carson, who joined fox news as a contributor, he was on last night. he was somebody who the irs started magically auditing and investigating after his prayer breakfast speech in which he took on obamacare. he s a neurosurgeon. he was not amused either. just not terribly surprising because if you read rules for radicals, it talks about the need to ridicule. also talks about never having a real conversation with your adversary because that humanizes them and your job is to demonize them. therefore, we see people coming out and saying about those who oppose obamacare, for instance, that they want older people to die, they want kids to be deprived of food, you know, all these thing are just straight out attack. steve: they are indeed. if you don t ridicule, you marginalize, or you just try to
the law enforcement authorities rather than helping you. steve: you know what, judge? that s going to lead to a nation of liars. because you don t want the truth on the official record. the government will incentivize us to keep the truth from our doctors, which means misdiagnosis and improper treatment. or if you do tell the truth, you run the risk that the doctor, who is forced to report this stuff, will do so. elisabeth: where is the care in the care act? here we are not being able to disclose to physicians what s really going on. whatever happened to the privacy of the patient-physician relationship which couldn t be interfered with by anyone? there were times when even in a courtroom when a physician is asked a question about what the patient told the physician, the physician can t answer. that s how sacrosanct that information was until obamacare. steve: we had to pass the law to find out what s in the law and now we don t like it. elisabeth: making us sick.