Zimbabwe: Kariba Corruption Case, More Details Emerge
Zimbabwe: Kariba Corruption Case, More Details Emerge
3 hours ago
By Walter Nyamukondiwa
Kariba Bureau Kariba municipality officials are accused of fraudulently obtaining personal vehicle loans of US$181 484, paid off by council while an MDC Alliance councillor influenced the selection of her company to supply materials for the Kariba People’s Market, details have emerged.
Town clerk Richard Kamhoti, finance director Saratiere Chitenhe and Councillor Tendai Mapondera (Ward 5-Mahombekombe) have since been picked up by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC).
They are expected in court today.
Allegations against Kamhoti and Chitenhe are that on March 6, 2013 council made resolution number C/49/13 authorising the purchase of the pair’s vehicles for not more than US$150 000.