Rolls-Royce conducts first tests of 100% sustainable aviation fuel in Pearl 700 engine for use in business jets
Rolls-Royce has conducted the first tests of 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in a business jet engine. The tests on its latest business aviation engine in development, the Pearl 700, in Dahlewitz, Germany, came just weeks after unblended SAF was successfully used for the first time in engine ground tests on a Trent 1000 engine in Derby, UK.
SAFs tested on the Pearl 700
The Trent 1000 is a high-bypass turbofan engine produced that is one of the engine options for the Boeing 787.
Rolls-Royce said that the test demonstrated once again that current engines for large civil and business jet applications can operate with 100% SAF as a full “drop-in” option, laying the groundwork for moving this type of fuel towards certification.