Amid a slew of complaints against towing operators hired by the Bengaluru Traffic Police, Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Monday reportedly ordered officers to scale down the towing exercise in Bengaluru till further review. Bommai chaired a meeting with the Home Minister, DG-IGP Praveen Sood, commissioner of police Kamal Pant, Joint Commissioner (Traffic) B R
The traffic police will bring back a suspended ban on non-ISI helmets. Riders found wearing substandard helmets (half or cap helmets) that do not offer adequate head protection will be educated and warned over the next 15 days and penalised thereafter for riding without a helmet, Joint Commissioner of Police (Traffic) B R Ravikanthe Gowda announced on Friday. The fine
People aged 21-30 died the most in road accidents in the city last year. And they also caused the most fatal accidents. A total of 207 people aged between 21 and 30 years died in road accidents last year while 245 people of the same age group were named as accused in cases of fatal accidents during the same period, according to the Accident Analysis report released by the