The BJP on Friday launched a broadside on opposition parties over the alleged targeting of Hindus in West Bengal, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, claiming this shows that the assertion about the eradication of Sanatan Dharma is not merely a statement but part of a campaign.
BJP national spokesperson
India News: The BJP on Friday launched a broadside on opposition parties over the alleged targeting of Hindus in West Bengal, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, claiming this shows that the assertion about the eradication of 'Sanatan Dharma' is not merely a statement but part of a campaign.
reveals that police officers in chicago can no longer immediately assist dhs and cannot help with immigration arrests. police sources and the department of homeland security tell fox news they feel that not having each other s backs puts local officers and dhs agents in dangerous situations and sends the message that chicago police won t pursue wanted illegal criminals. in a statement dhs tells fox news the department of homeland security is deeply concerned with the dangerous anti-law enforcement direction given by the leadership of the chicago police department. the men and women of ice put their lives on the line every day. for example, on september 23 ice in chicago arrested a twice deported 61-year-old mexican national convicted of aggravated sexual abuse. the chicago police department says officers will aid a dhs agent in danger but not assist in immigration arrests. chicago s ice director cook county illinois ignored more
right here. this is what the chicago police department is doing. apparently homeland security is following the direction of chicago pd for its officers to not cooperate with ice here is statement from the chicago pd. the department of homeland security i m sorry this is dhs. the department of homeland security is deeply concerned with the dangerous anti-law enforcement direction given by the leadership of the chicago police department. failing to support fellow law enforcement officers upon request for assistance not only places our heroic police officers in greater danger but keeps criminals on the street. so, in chicago, they are not going to help ice, true? that s right. steve, look, i have been doing law enforcement for a few decades. i can tell you i m a lot more than concerned about this politically-driven policy. what the citizens of chicago need to understand is, this policy is going to create more victims in their city.