Fortunately, neither Russia nor America want to fight one.
Here s What You Need To Remember: The allies’ own military capabilities also pose a threat to Russia. With some exceptions like China, India and Brazil, most of the top military spenders in the world are U.S. allies. Although the United States frequently (and justifiably) chides NATO members for not spending enough on defense, even without the United States, NATO still spends about three times as much on defense each year as Russia does.
Between the never ending conflict in Ukraine, the crisis in Syria and now allegations that Russia has engaged in cyber hacking against America, relations between Moscow and Washington have reached a low not seen since the darkest days of the Cold War.
Once a fleet of rusting Soviet-era ships largely tied to piers on the Kola Peninsula, the Northern Fleet is the beneficiary of a nearly two-decade effort by Moscow to revitalize the force. Progress has been uneven, with missed production deadlines and certain ship classes shelved indefinitely, but the Northern Fleet today is better organized, equipped, and trained than ever. Elements of the fleet have been battle-tested, and the rest have been assessed in scheduled and snap exercises. It is becoming more competent, confident, and assertive. Close encounters with NATO and Scandinavian allies at sea and in the air reflect a force in transition from a largely defensive posture toward one capable of effective, offensive operations.
The HMS Talent, the sixth of seven Trafalgar-class hunter-killer nuclear subs built for the Royal Navy in the late 1980s, has a long history of deployment tracking Russian vessels. In 2015, UK media revealed that the sub had suffered about $750k in ice damage while snooping for alleged Russian boats in the North Sea.
A Royal Navy submarine has been spotted arriving in Gibraltar equipped with upgraded sensor equipment mounted either side of its conning tower thought to be connected to a sub sniffer suite enabling it to detect other boats without using sonar.
The HMS Talent arrived in Gibraltar on a “routine” visit on 2 February, with new sensors snapped by photographer David Parody. Speaking to the Gibraltar Broadcasting Corporation, Parody said the sensors were “clearly new to the ship and the entire class and an obvious devel
“Breach of protective barriers and the detection and spread of radionuclides in seawater could lead to fishing restrictions,” says Andrey Zolotkov, director of Bellona-Murmansk, an international non-profit environmental organization based in Norway. “In addition, this could seriously damage plans for the development of the Northern Sea Route ship owners will refuse to sail along it.”
News outlets have found more dire terms to interpret the issue. The BBC raised concerns of a “nuclear chain reaction” in 2013, while
The Guardian described the situation as “an environmental disaster waiting to happen.” Nearly everyone agrees that the Kara is on the verge of an uncontrolled nuclear event, but retrieving a string of long-lost nuclear time bombs is proving to be a daunting challenge.
It is armed with an underwater rifle.
Here s What You Need to Remember: Nerpa limitations would be battery life, as well as how fast it could move through the water, both of which are unknown. Equipped with only an APS underwater rifle would also limit the Nerpa’s utility against anything other than enemy swimmers or seals. No, not Navy SEALs, actual seals.
Conventional firearms are extremely ineffective underwater. Water exerts much more drag on an object than air, rapidly slowing down bullets underwater. Shooting at targets much more than about six feet away becomes next to impossible and not because of inaccuracy. Bullets simply tumble downwards and gently sink. This neat video shows why and is worth the watch. So, how to remedy this “drag” of a situation? Underwater rifles.