President omotalde think. See no further Public Comment of the commoners close clerk and 15 future agenda items your. This item is discussion and possible action. Commissioner zepp just as a preview of what the staff is working on for your next Commission Meeting, as experience today, the focus was on transportation could we do a deep dive staff is now working and looking at energy as the next topic to come before you in your july 26 meeting. Youre looking at specifically, topics around finance as that. We were little sense of it today in terms of amazing opportunities. Our pace program. We are looking to come back and again do a deeper dive on Energy Watch Program and what our team is currently working on and the success they are having. We also , we are planning to invite the San Francisco Public Utilities commission to come and talk what the launch of green power as seth and specifically what the plans are going for. And how our department is engaged with them. Finally, as you heard
Getting these disease controls and schedules in order to make sure the environment is pure and clean and [inaudible] im not saying [inaudible] we do this to our own self. Who will admit it . Is walking over every day and president omotalde thank you. Hearing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners, are you ready to vote . On the resolution as amended, all those in favor say, aye. Any opposition . Hearing none, the resolution passes. Internet set up clerk item 9 approval of resolution 26 10 proving that information asset fund to operate a revolving Microloan Program to Small Businesses interested in participating in the sf Energy Watch Program. The explanatory documents are resolution file 2016 10 and the San Francisco carbon fund recordation. On the agenda is speaker sean rosen must senior environment Specials Development of community partnerships. This item is for discussion and action. Commissioners, in johns places which chan private sector coordinator for the department. Test
Okay welcome to the San Francisco board of supervisors budget finance subcommittee for wednesday, july 20, 2016, my name is mark farrell ill be chairing the committee and joined by supervisor yee and by the supervisor tang. Thank you clerk linda wong and mark as Nona Melkonian from sfgovtv for covering the meeting madam clerk, any announcements . Yes. Yes. Board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you, madam clerk we were here quite late madam clerk call number one. The approval for the calendar year 2017 to remove the rates from ohio and colleagues this is something i sponsored on the health board and the representative i want to welcome the amazing director katherine dodd. Thank you. Good morning members of the board brown today a administrative code for the Health Service and calendars year 2017 this the stacey a Monthly Contribution the charter requires the employer contribute towards the Health Premiums for the 10 couldnt average based on the 10 months populous co
Preprinted transfers with on demand realtime that printing of ios transfers and will go through that in a little bit the fare box hope with the security accommodating new policy changes in the future and provide information about the fair transactions the vendor weve selected through a procurement process beginning late last fall is s p x jen fair theyre a contractor 5 years after initial installation busing plus options plus two options for additional 5 year for a total term. All opposed by the same sign 15 years the cost is 21. 9 million but 6 million for the annual maintenance on a slide in a moment with more details well have 13 hundred 36 fareboxes with spares on the cable cars and also others components of the fare box system in addition to the fare box system itself this is a project budget from mr. Roses report for not to exceed amount of 29 plus Million Dollars this slide shows what the fare box will look like this is a model we will have other speakers this is at the generic
Sfgovtv for covering the meeting madam clerk, any announcements . Yes. Yes. Board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you, madam clerk we were here quite late madam clerk call number one. The approval for the calendar year 2017 to remove the rates from ohio and colleagues this is something i sponsored on the health board and the representative i want to welcome the amazing director katherine dodd. Thank you. Good morning members of the board brown today a administrative code for the Health Service and calendars year 2017 this the stacey a Monthly Contribution the charter requires the employer contribute towards the Health Premiums for the 10 couldnt average based on the 10 months populous counties they use the average amount to the retiree rates asia to a couple of unions not adopted the percentage contribution this years 10 county average increases 4. 4 percent and all Health Service insurance have increased substantially this only which of the first cost driver the c