Are those phones? they are phones, yeah. 0k. Meanwhile, lara s getting her groove on at a live concert in the metaverse. My avatar, beat engineer, there. He s ready to dance. My finest dance moves. And we meet the brothers who are trying to replace plastics with plants. But how do they stop those pesky splits? what makes a team quite strong is really these different opinions. One opinion we can all agree on, though, is that you won t want to miss this. Life in plastic, it s fantastic. Willkommen. Bienvenue. Hi. Welcome to ifa, europe s biggest tech show, where, every year, thousands of people pile into berlin s giant exhibition centre to grab a sneak peek at the latest. . . . . Well, everything. The press, business and the public can zip around more than two dozen halls full of weird and wonderful displays and demonstrations. You can play pingpong with foldable phones to somehow prove how tough they are. You can meet robot animals, stuffed pets. You might even catch a glimpse of a real
The speaker pro tempore on this vote, the yeas are 2312 and the nays are 190. The previous question is ordered. The question is on adoption of the resolution. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The resolution is adopted. Ms. Lesko mr. Speaker, i call for the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to section 3 of House Resolution 965, the yeas and nays are ordered. Members will record their votes y electronic device. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts seek recognition . Gomp govern as the member designated by mr. Welch of vote, pursuant to h. Res. 965, i inform the house that mr. Welch will h. R. 1129. The speake
The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from illinois reserves. The gentleman from missouri is recognized. Mr. Graves i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from missouri reserves. The gentleman from illinois is recognized. I yield one minute to the gentleman from rhode island, mr. Cicilline. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from providence, rhode recognized for one minute. Mr. Cicilline thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank the gentleman for yielding. Infrastructure is stuck in the 1950s, and it doesnt have to be. Fact, past time for congress to bring our bridges, roads, schools into the 21st century. American people gave democrats control of the u. S. House last year because we for the people. Higher wages, lower costs, and ooting out corruption in washington. The moving forward act delivers on that promise. It creates millions of time when jobs at a they are needed most. More than 40 million unemployment claims have been this since the start of pand
13. The unit mix would be 90 studios , five one, five twobedrooms. In addition to the Inclusive Housing for the disabled which is the kelseys founding mission, staff supports this project due to the extreme affordability levels achieved, the integrated garden design and as well as seeing all the energy and sustainability targets which was the focus of the global competition. Laying out the milestones to ensure the proposal remains fiscally viable while the project enters the entitlement phase. The proposal assumes no initial funding from the city and anticipates the use of our standard longterm ground lease we deploy routinely for Affordable Housing projects. The negotiation term of the ena is 45 months. During which the Development Team must meet the Community Outreach design, entitlements and fundraising goals as stated in the agreement. If they remain in conformance to have the opportunity to secure ground lease from the city. That ground lease will come before the board, and the ma
Referral organizations to ensure the applicant was working to procure any associated or necessary permits and ensure all of the agencies were integrated. The office would also ensure Public Engagement and lead those efforts. If there is support for a Technology Proposal than the office would issue a notice to proceed for a limited duration pilot. At the end of each pilot the o. E. T. Would issue a report evaluating the technology during the pilot. And give recommendations. [reading notes] the office will provide an annual report to the board of supervisors. That concludes our presentation. I am available if theres any questions. Could we have the bla report, please . Good morning. This legislation actually approves the establishment of the office of emerging technology in the Public Works Department the permitting requirement it sets the permit amount, and the applicable penalty for fines if the permit is not followed. And then it gives the director of public works the right to set the