India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra) on Friday said the recovery in energy demand will continue despite COVID-19 led temporary blip.
India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra) has published the May 2021 edition of its credit news digest on India s power sector. The report highlights the trends in the power sector, with a focus on capacity addition, generation, transmission, merchant power, deficit, regulatory changes and the recent rating actions by Ind-Ra. Ind-Ra estimates, as per a statement, the all-India energy demand would decline in May 2021 on a month-on-month basis, despite the peak summer season, and to remain below pre-pandemic levels. This is on account of the continuation of COVID 19 led restrictions put out by certain states till May 31, 2021. With COVID cases peaking in May and announcements by certain states to open up from June, Ind-Ra expects energy demand to start recovering from June 2021.
India is taking the lead to promote a regional approach to energy needs and working assiduously to promote the sub-region comprising itself, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Myanmar as an energy hub, Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla said on Wednesday. In his remarks at the inauguration of the South Asia Group on Energy (SAGE) at the Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), Shringla said the role of energy in the development matrix is well known and our region, in particular, requires enormous amounts of energy for an accelerated transition to a developed region. Yet, we need to be cognizant of the challenges posed by climate change, he said.
Read more about Ashok Leyland increases clean energy sourcing to 60% for countrywide ops on Business Standard. The firm said it has increased the sourcing of clean energy to 60 per cent for its countrywide operations
Read more about Sterling and Wilson Solar secures Rs 930 crore order in Egypt on Business Standard. Sterling and Wilson Solar on Saturday said it has bagged an order worth Rs 930 crore in Egypt.It has signed an order worth USD 127.5 million (Rs 930 crore) in the Kom Ombo region of Egypt, a statement by Sterling and Wilson said.The order has been