today the rivers are clean enough you can swim in been the distance of the empire state building with millions of people flushing. i am willing to do this. john: sometimes there are dead bodies but the water is clean enough. three cheers for anti-a pollution regulation but enviro confuse people by comparing the darr very different. carbon dioxide may not turn up at all. the world has real problems malaria, poverty we re deep in debt and fewer jobs are created because we have too many rules we don t need micromanagement we need
over san francisco bay and the ocean view in month to seato. then of course, there is a mansion in asheville and a humongous houseboat in tennessee he calls it biosolar1. john: a partner that backs the fiske your car company spirit by the way the car s name is is appropriate that it. john: but one final clip largely thanks to the bride to said industry analyst they are talking about clinics it it it you believe in global warming? yes.
john: i am such a good citizen riding a bike to work to save the earth. what a dope. the heiress, notice but somehow even though i know better i get a smug satisfaction and to read my break it is hard to see the interior picture on the of what excited of the debate. i heard were reading scientists were trapped in ice. a passenger ship has been trapped in ice in in antarctica is to make the original chinese rescue vessel is now stocked as well stick with the fact there was more a vice.
john: many are genuinely worried. many of from the united nations but they just cave wall last year to say their mission is to make the case carbon dioxide to drive this global warming but many scientists have turned. swedish scientists said we would not even have noticed if not for modern instrumentation. the hockey stick is absurd it is statistical rubbish and hundreds of scientists have shown the roman warming period whereas warm or were immerse their current temperatures. if we can agree there used to be 1 billion people a couple centuries ago and now there are 7 billion. john: but the air is cleaner in people living better if
why? train wreck i ask the hardest question. humans? to read what? everything we do. john: come on you picked the silliest examples. this is what we ve got to. of their relief in global warming aden s shallow soup echidnas said coolth saying to do briefly to know why the police if of they believe if will understand the wrist no consensus estimate for the best car with the intergovernmental panel. the 3,000 concluded that 95 percent chance that men